22 December 2016

You'll need to speak up

I found this image on a conservative blog I sometimes visit (don't tell anyone!). Of course, Verizon coverage sucks (at least where I live), so it's not really saying much. But wow, look how red the United States is. No wonder Donald Trump won the election. We should really listen to his supporters because they clearly outnumber those tiny blue islands of progressives.

Except the truth, as usual, is much more complicated.  First of all, hardly anyone lives in most of those red counties. And even on the reddest of red counties, some people probably voted blue.

What does the country look like if you adjust for actual population and vote percentages? Like this:
Thanks to Mark Newman, of the Department of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, at the University of Michigan for putting together an excellent analysis of the election results.