29 January 2019

Proposal for Constitutional Amendment

So what if voting for a bill to become law actually had consequences? What if passing a law that is found to be unconstitutional meant the end of your career as a politician? After all, every elected official has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, and passing an unconstitutional law strikes me as a clear violation of that oath.

How about this for Amendment XXVIII:

No person shall be eligible to stand for election or appointment as President, Vice-President, or a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State or local government, who, having previously taken an oath in any of those positions to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have signed into law, or voted in the affirmative to pass into law, any bill that, as law, is found by the Supreme Court in whole or in part to violate the Constitution of the United States.

Just a thought.